Appointmen​t of YB Hajah Nancy Haji Shukri as Minister in Prime Minister’s Department

Dear Friends in Soroptimist Clubs Malaysia,

It is with much pleasure and honour that our SI Kuching shares some exciting news with you all :

As you all are aware, yesterday evening in Putrajaya, Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced the list of the new Federal Ministers in the Cabinet line-up.
Our fellow member of SI Kuching,
YB Hajah Nancy Haji Shukri, who is a Member of Parliament for Batang Sadong (Sarawak), was appointed as a Full Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. YB Nancy is one of the two women Ministers in the PM’s Cabinet (the other woman Minister also being a Sarawakian, YB Datuk Hajah Rohani Abdul Karim and who now heads the Federal Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development). YB Hajah Nancy is also the Chairman of the Malaysian Women’s Parliamentary Caucus.


YB Hajah Nancy was one of the 18 ladies who was inducted by SISWP President Puan Sri Siew Yong Gnanalingam in June 2012 as a Charter Member of SI Kuching. YB Hajah Nancy is a keen supporter of Soroptimist International and for the work we do to empower women. It was only last week that we were in her office discussing more plans and projects for empowering and uplifting rural women in Sarawak (see below a picture taken with her)

SI Kuching members are extremely proud of her achievement and are very motivated to do even more for our rural womenfolk throughout Malaysia !


Kind regards to you all,

Audry Wan Ullok

President (2012-14)

SI Kuching

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