SIPJ and SIKK preparing for SPOT in KK

SI Kota Kinabalu President Audrey Fung received a RM5,000 MySihat grant from SIROM which is going towards developing SIPJ’s SPOT programme in Kota Kinabalu. On 19 February 2016, SPOT Project Lead Siti Aishah went to Kota Kinabalu to conduct a Train-the-Trainer session for SIKK as well as giving a talk for single mothers organised by SIKK.

Siti Aishah also gave a presentation about SPOT to the Rotary Club of KK Pearl.

SIPJ's Siti Aisha and SIKK Ladies

SIPJ’s Siti Aisha and SIKK Ladies

Presenting the TTT programme

Presenting the TTT programme

SIKK members

SIKK members


Siti Aishah also presented about SPOT to the Rotary Club of KK Pearl

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