Violence against women on the decline as awareness rise, say police – NST



PUTRAJAYA: Cases of violence against women are on a downward trend for the past three years, said Bukit Aman’s Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department director Datuk Rusli Ahmad, indicating that effort to raise awareness on the problem are working.

“In 2015, we have recorded 37,791 cases which was a reduction of 11.9 per cent or 5,126 cases, compared to 2014 with 42,917 cases.

“And up to September this year, we saw only 28,252 cases,” he said, when met at the Soroptimist International Region Of Malaysia (SIROM) ‘Walk The Talk 2016: Community Against Violence’ programme today.

The programme was jointly hosted by Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) and the federal police in conjunction with the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

Rusli said usually the types of violence reported involved two categories; namely physical aggression and violence involving property.

“Physical aggression include murder, rape, burglary with and without weapons, armed burglary with friends and without friends, and abuse.

“Property violence involved theft including various types of vehicle, robbery and house break-ins,” he said.

Also present at the programme was Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, who said the decreasing trend of violence against women was reflective of the ministry’s cooperation with the police to create awareness on the issue through various campaigns.

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