The Charter of SI Iskandar Puteri


The newest SI club in Malaysia was chartered on Saturday, 5 November 2016. SWP President Theresa Lyford came to witness the proceedings and signed the charter. SIROM members who attended included SWP President-Elect and YSM Chairman Dato’ Anusha Santhirasthipam, SWP PP Puan Sri Siew Yong Gnanalingam, SWP Assistant Membership Convenor Asia and SIROM Extension Convenor Helena Cheah, SIROM President Anita Pater, SIROM Hon. Secretary Agnes Tan, SIROM Constitution Convenor and SI Bangsar President-Elect Pushpa Ratnam, SIROM Public Relations Convenor and SI Damansara President Joanne Yeoh, SI Shah Alam President Michele Kaur.

We congratulate SI Iskandar Puteri and welcome them to the wonderful world of Soroptimism.

Please do read SIIP’s charter-report in their own words.



charter800 charter-group-photo-for-banner agnes-helena-pushpa-michele

1 Comment
  • Congratulations SI Iskandar Puteri and welcome to Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia!

    December 9, 2016

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