Community Walk the Talk to Stop Violence Against Women

About 500 men, women and children from companies, Residents Associations and NGOs braved the rain to participate in Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia’s “Walk The Talk to Stop Violence Against Women”, with the theme “Community Against Violence”.

The event was flagged off by representatives of the organisers, Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia (SIROM) and partners namely Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Polis Diraja Malaysia, National Council of Women’s Organisations and Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation.

In her welcome speech, SIROM Adviser for the Walk The Talk, Puan Sri Siew Yong Gnanalingam said, “The theme, ‘Community Against Violence’ was chosen as it is increasingly clear that communities can and should play a meaningful role as key support groups to stop violence and abuse against women and girls. If members of the community are more alert, show care and concern, they will be more aware of acts of violence that take place in public places and in homes in their neighbourhoods. More importantly, if the members of the community feel that there are “watchdogs” among them, those who have bad intent will be put off from carrying out their acts of violence.” She added, “We must not allow violence against women and girls to be part of a community’s DNA. What we need to do is to literally “ring the bell” when we are aware of it. Let us not behave like the three famous monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil and say no evil.” [read the full press-statement-wtt-271116]

As part of the morning’s programme, talks were also organised to create awareness on how women and girls can try to protect themselves and avoid becoming victims of physical violence and cyber crimes.

Master Saiful Hamiruzzam and team spoke and demonstrated “How to Be Your Own Bodyguard” whilst Cathryn Anila spoke on “How to Surf Online Safely (SOS)”.

A workshop was organised by NCWO for the children aged 9 to 18 years on the subject, “The Malaysia We Want for our Family and Country”.

After the walk and talks, Datuk Yatimah Sarjiman presented awards to the 3 best short videos from a competition among colleges and universities organised by the Women Development Department of the Ministry of Women on the subject of “Violence Against Women”, in an effort to raise awareness. among the public and youths on the importance of the subject and roles they can play to eliminate violence against women.



For more Information : Call Joyce @ 012-6593814 or

High resolution photos below for download:


Presentation of certificate to the top three winners of the short video competition


Walkers ready to walk the talk despite the rain

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