Happy 25th Anniversary SIKL

Congratulations to SI KL on their 25th anniversary!


  • Chris Knight

    Congratulations to my Soroptimist Sisters of SI Kuala Lumpur on your 25th Anniversary. Remarkable achievements as well as the foundation of further clubs that have chartered since that time. I have had many wonderful visits to KL over the years and I am very much looking forward to returning again in 2019 if not before.

    I also send greetings on behalf of my Club President Marney Perna and the members of my Club, SI Moreton North Inc. (previously called SI Pine Rivers) who share the same day as your Charter.


    Chris Knight
    SI Moreton North Inc.
    Region South Queensland
    Australia SISWP

    December 9, 2016
  • Congratulations SIKL on your 25th Anniversary! With love from SI Petaling Jaya xx

    December 9, 2016
  • Hilary Hampton

    Congratulations on your 25th anniversary. I wish you success for many years to come.
    Hilary Hampton SI Leamington & Warwick SIGBI

    December 9, 2016
  • Susan Joyce

    My Sincere congratulations to the members of Soroptimist International of Kuala Lumpur on your 25th anniversary!! May you have many, many more to celebrate in the future!!
    Susan Joyce, Soroptimist International of Dixon, California USA
    Past Governor, Founder Region, SIA

    December 10, 2016
  • Vivian Walczesky

    Many congratulations on your 25th anniversary birthday celebration.
    Wishes for many more.

    Vivian Walczesky
    Midwestern Region USA

    December 10, 2016
  • Greetings from Chicagoland and Suburban Chicago Soroptimists. Congratulations on your upcoming 25 club anniversary. Wishing you much success and many more years to come of continued service to women and girls. Hope to see many of you in 2019 at SI convention in your wonderful city.

    Frances “Fran” Ingram
    Soroptimist International of Suburban Chicago and SI Midwestern Region Membership Chair

    December 10, 2016
  • Margaret Morgan

    Dear Joanne,

    Congratulations! Hope you all have a very happy time celebrating your 25th birthday. Just think of the things your club has achieved in that time!

    Love and hugs from Down Under

    Margaret Morgan,
    SI Hobart,
    Region of Tasmania,

    December 10, 2016
  • Laxmi Parasuram

    Dear Joanne,

    I am happy to hear about the 25th anniversary celebrations SI Kuala Lumpur. I sill vividly remember my brief visit to your vibrant club and its very friendly members and I am sure it will be a grand occasion. This is to wish you a fantastic day of celebrations and an exciting review of your achievements.

    Yours in Soroptimism,
    Laxmi Parasuram
    SI South Kolkata

    December 10, 2016
  • Bev Bucur

    Congratulations on your anniversary. I know you will have a spectacular .

    Bev Bucur
    SI Illiana, ILLINOIS

    December 10, 2016
  • Hilary Laidler

    To SI KL
    Enjoy your silver celebrations on Saturday. congratulations

    From SI Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral Region, SIGBI

    December 10, 2016
  • Erene Grieve

    Dear Joanne

    Greetings and good wishes from Wales on your 25th Anniversary. That’s twenty five years of hard work improving the lives of women and girls – and, no doubt, lots of fun and friendship along the way.

    Looking forward to being in Kuala Lumpur in 2019 and meeting you all.

    In Soroptimist Friendship

    Erene Grieve
    SI Milford Haven
    Wales South, SIGBI

    December 10, 2016
  • Tes Choa

    Dear Joanne,

    Best wishes on your 25th Anniversary! If you have the details about the of the KL – SI Soroptimist Convention, we would like to promote it as early as now.

    Have a Blessed Christmas & a wondrous year ahead in 2017!

    All the best,
    Tes Choa
    SI Makati

    December 10, 2016
  • Heidi

    Dear Joanne,

    with big joy I have read your message and I wish you and all your club sisters a wonderful 25th anniversary looking back to your fabolouse work and looking forward to the future.
    Always seeing your name in the chat line I remember our wonderful times as the then IGU co-ordinators of ourfederations and later as the Federation Presidents. With wonderful records of our meetings in Winsor Park and all the good work all of us did.
    Again all my best wishes, keep your good way!

    In friendship

    December 10, 2016

    Congratulations to SI Kuala Lumpur on its 25th club anniversary.
    All the best of Soroptimist service and commitment in the coming years.

    Warm regards,

    Federation Director
    Secretary/Treasurer, 2016-2017
    Soroptimist International of the Americas

    SI of Mandaluyong, Philippines Region

    December 10, 2016
  • Alice Wells

    Dear Joanne,
    Congratulations to SI K-L on 25 years of service. I was fortunate to meet many of your members when I was there two years ago.

    This is such an exciting event to celebrate! Be sure to post photos!

    All my best,


    Alice Wells
    Soroptimist International of the Kachinas – Golden West Region – SIA

    Past President
    Soroptimist international 2011-2013
    A Global Voice for Women

    December 10, 2016
  • Nisha Ghosh

    Greetings sisters of SI Kuala Lumpur,
    wonderful that you have achieved 25 successful years of spreading good cheer and hope to women and girls in your communities and supported a whole generation for social change.
    the best for the future
    with Friendship
    Nisha Ghosh

    December 10, 2016
  • Elaine Moffat

    Congratulations and best wishes for a super super party


    Elaine Moffat

    December 10, 2016
  • Agnes Tan

    Dear Joanne
    Congratulations to you, Prez Vilasini and all SI KL sisters on this auspicious occasion.
    May SI KL have many good years ahead.

    Yours in Soroptimism
    Agnes Tan
    Hon Secretary

    December 10, 2016
  • Nora Lam

    Heartiest Congratulations to you , Prez Vilasini and all your Club Members on this auspicious occasion .

    My sincere regrets , I will not be able to attend due to a prior commitment to relatives in Singapore .

    Wishing many good years ahead and a splendid Fun time!
    Have a wonderful Christmas & New Year too .


    Nora Lam

    December 10, 2016
  • Saradha Narayanan

    Dear Joanne, President Vilasini and members of SIKL,
    Hearty Congratulations on achieving this Silver milestone!
    I wish you all the very best in the years to come.

    Good Luck and God Bless!
    Saradha Narayanan
    President Elect

    December 10, 2016
  • Sheila Downs

    Wishing a Very Happy Birthday to

    SI Kuala Lumpur

    on 9 December

    With love from their Chatline Sisters

    December 10, 2016
  • Eva Tyson

    Can I add my congratulations to SI Kuala Lumpur. I met some of the members at the Kuching conference. That was a brilliant event. Greetings from Scotland and here is to another 25 years.
    Eva Tyson SI Dunfermline Scotland South Region SIGBI

    December 11, 2016
  • Marianne Hill

    Congratulations, have a wonderful celebration, you are such a productive club. we will be docking in KL early next year on the Queen Elizabeth, we are going to be on a world cruise, pity it was not December and I could have joined you. we will be away almost 5 months so maybe out of touch for a while.

    Enjoy the evening.

    Marianne Hill
    SI I Northallerton

    December 11, 2016

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