SI Ipoh Empowers Jenny Pong

SI Ipoh’s project to empower double amputee Jenny Pong to create her own self-sustaining business is progressing very well.

SI Ipoh held a Press Conference on 16 January to launch all the products cooked by Jenny Pong – her signature homemade Nyonya curry paste and two more new products – a ginger dipping sauce and sambal belacan. (Press Release)

Members of the press came and interviewed Jenny and many were blown away by her positivity. Lunch was cooked by Jenny herself for the press and members of SI Ipoh. She cooked her yummilicious nyonya curry chicken, egg curry and squid curry using her curry paste, fried vegetables with her sambal belacan and steamed three chickens to go with the ginger dipping sauce. On top of that a huge pot of rice!!

Yayasan Soroptimist Malaysia contributed RM7,000 to SI Ipoh’s project on Jenny Pong. SI Ipoh used the fund as a start up for Jenny to further expand her home-based business.

SI Ipoh and Jenny Pong would like to acknowledge and thank Sarang Paloh for sponsoring the beautiful venue for the press launch and is just the right ambience to launch Jenny Pong’s products.


Jenny’s products are as below:
Nyonya curry paste 500g selling at RM12 per packet

Ginger Dipping Sauce 250g is at RM8 per packet

Sambal belachan 250g is at RM5 per packet

Jenny Pong can be contacted at her mobile at 012-587 5407


SI Ipoh thanks the Press for their coverage of this wonderful and inspiring lady.


The Star newspaper


The Malay Mail – Front page!


The Malay Mail – inner page


China Press

The Ipoh Echo

The Ipoh Echo


Guang Min Daily

jennypong-Kwong Wah Daily

Kwong Wah Daily

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