Yayasan Soroptimist Malaysia AGM 2017

We did it together! All geared up, ready, willing and able to transform B40 communities in Malaysia through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities.

The Soroptimist Foundation of Malaysia just concluded our 5th Annual General Meeting and launched the Project Implementation Plan for InnovateMYCommunity programme. A great honour to be a National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS) by the Government of Malaysia, funded by Agensi Inovasi Malaysia in collaboration with Raja Zarith Sofiah Foundation (YRZSNJ).

Malaysian Soroptimist clubs have unanimously supported and embraced this social impact innovation and B40 community transformation project.


Malaysian Soroptimist clubs will collaborate at two project clusters in the State of Johor to educate, empower and enable women, children, youth and senior citizens to become self-sustaining communities, develop social enterprises and adopt UN SDGs as a way of life. Soroptimist clubs will mentor, build capacity and conduct train-the-trainer to ensure long-term sustainability.


Dato’ Anusha Santhirasthipam

YSM Chairman

31 March 2017

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