Walk the Talk – Stop Trafficking Women and Girls


25 November 2017


Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia (SIROM) will be organising a Public Forum and Movie screening on Human Trafficking on 25 Nov 2017 in conjunction with the United Nation’s 16 days of activism to eliminate violence against women. The theme for this whole day event is “Walk the Talk – Stop Trafficking Women and Girls”. This is the sixth year that SIROM will be holding the “Walk the Talk” event since it was launched in 2012 and this year our partner will be the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. The Council for Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants (MAPO) under the Ministry of Home Affairs will partly sponsor the event and we will also be supported by the Royal Malaysian Police and Tenaganita, an NGO that supports the rights of migrants and victims of trafficking in Malaysia.


We are also delighted and honoured to confirm that Datuk Nur Jazlan Bin Mohamad, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs will be our Guest of Honour and will launch the events of the day at 9.00am.


SIROM’s purpose in organising the Public Forum on Human Trafficking is to raise awareness about this problem and also to educate the public especially University and college students on what roles they can play to stop this problem.


As future leaders, we believe they can advocate for changes in policies and laws.


SIROM views this problem very seriously and we would especially like to highlight the plight of women and child victims. As a responsible NGO, we would like to play our part in helping to eradicate this problem and we hope to work with other NGOs, academic institutions and Government agencies to achieve this.


Students from the University will also be involved in several activities on that day including a symbolic walk around the campus followed by a flash mob, a photography competition on the theme of human trafficking and a Cambodian dance. In addition they will act as guides and ushers.


The Keynote speaker will be Mr Sebastian Boll, Regional Research Specialist with UN-ACT in Bangkok.  The panel will be moderated by Dr Theresa Devasahayam from SI Singapore, and will include eminent speakers from various backgrounds including MAPO, Tenaganita, the Police force and a lawyer from the Malaysian Bar Council.


In the afternoon of the same day, we plan to have a special private screening of a film called Talking to the Trees. This movie tells the story of a 10-year-old Cambodian child who is the victim of a sex trafficking ring. It has won many awards in the international arena. We also plan to bring the young child star, Moniroth, and her chaperone to meet with the audience before the screening.


In addition, we hope to raise funds through the film screening and public forum to build a classroom for Moniroth’s school in Cambodia.


Dr Saradha Narayanan


Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia (SIROM)Walk the Talk – STOP TRAFFICKING WOMEN & GIRLS
Date: 25 Nov 2017, Saturday
Venue: Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
Jalan Teknologi 5, Taman Technologi Malaysia
Bukit Jalil
57000 Kuala Lumpur
Proposed programme for the day:
8.00 – 9.00am Walk around the campus by APU students carrying placards
8.45am Arrival of Guest of Honour and other VIPs
9.00am Flash Mob on stage and open space by students of APU at the Foyer
9.15am Welcome Speech by Dr Saradha Narayanan, President SIROM
9.20am Speech by Guest of Honour, YB Datuk Nur Jazlan Bin Mohamad, Deputy Minister in Ministry of Home Affairs
9.30am Official Launch of the event
9.35am Tea Break
10.00am Keynote address by Mr Sebastian Boll, Regional Research Specialist with UN-ACT in Bangkok
10.30am – 12.30pm Public Forum / Panel Discussion on Human Trafficking.
There will be 4 speakers and a moderator, followed by Q & A session with the audience.Moderator: Dr Theresa Devasahayam, Past President SI Singapore


  1. Datuk Faridah Khalid – Council member, MAPO
  2. Aegile Fernandez – Director of Tenaganita
  3. ACP Maszely Bin Minhad – Principal Assistant Director of ATIPSOM Division D7C, Royal Malaysian Police
  4. Dato’ Sri M Ramachelvam – Chairperson of the Bar Council Migrants, Refugees and Immigration Affairs Committee
12.30 – 1.30pm   Lunch

Photography exhibition in the Foyer/ Open space outside Auditorium

Chief Judge : Mr Eric Peris

1.30 – 1.45pm Child star of movie (Moniroth) will be introduced to the audience
1.45pm Owner of Seametrey Children’s School in Phnom Penh (Muoy You) will say a few words.
2.00 – 3.30pm Movie Screening “Talking to the Trees”
3.35pm Special Dance Performance by the Cambodian students in APU
3.50pm Presentation of prizes for Photography Competition
4.00pm Closing Speech by Ms Nora Lam, National Representative Malaysia, SIROM
4.10pm END
  • Aliza Alexander Selvaratnam Salim

    How do I RSVP for the Walk the Talk event?

    November 5, 2017
    • Dear Aliza,
      Thanks for your interest. Tickets are RM80 each and include a T-shirt, goody bag, breakfast and lunch, attending the panel, and the movie. Funds go towards building classrooms for children. For further info and ticket purchase, please contact SIROM President Dr Saradha Narayanan at 0193152287 or SIROM Hon. Secretary Michele Kaur at 0122342294. We look forward to your attendance!

      November 6, 2017
  • Dear Aliza,

    Thank you for your interest in our event on 25 Nov 2017. If you would like to call me on 0193152287, I can provide further details. You can also register for the event on the day.
    Do arrive by 8.30 am if possible.


    November 7, 2017

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