Soroptimist International Convention 2019 goes travelling

To and from Florence with Love at SIE Congress, Florence 2017

by Puan Sri Siew Yong Gnanalingam

As the International Convention Chair of the 21st SI Convention KL 2019 I am pleased to report to SISWP as the Federation Host, that Anusha Santhirasthipam (Local Convention Co-Chair – Programme) and I attended the SIE Congress in Florence from 14 – 16 July 2017 to promote the SI Convention. At our stand, we handed out bookmarks and postcards featuring Malaysia’s unique culture, cuisine, animal wildlife and city destinations which piqued the interest of many delegates. I was given a 15 minute slot, which was maximised to update on the convention venue, logo, and the programme theme and panel session topics. Some precious minutes were also spent to excite them with all the unique elements of Malaysia from scenic landscapes to historic UNESCO sights, exciting social and hospitality plans, which will be imbued with Malaysian cultural elements of a mix of Asian and ethnic heritage. We also had the opportunity to show a short video which called out to our SIE sisters to respond with, “Kuala Lumpur, here we come.”

Siew Yong delivering the presentation

With current SI President Mariet Verhoef-Cohen

SISWP Immediate Past President Carolyn Hudson, SISWP President Theresa Lyford, SISWP President Elect Anusha Santhirasthipam and SISWP Past President Siew Yong Gnanalingam

SIGBI Conference, Cardiff 2017

The SI Convention Chair Siew Yong Gnanalingam, together with the SI Convention Local Co-Chair (Operations & Logistics) Joanne Yeoh, attended the Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) 83rd Annual Conference at the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff, from 26 October – 28 October 2017.

On Day 1 of the Conference, Siew Yong and Joanne set up the SI Convention Kuala Lumpur 2019 booth at the Exhibition Centre. There was initial interest as visitors to the booth were given postcards and bookmarks.

On Day 2 and 3 of the Conference, the organisors allowed the booth to be moved to a better location at the entrance to the exhibition hall. Siew Yong and Joanne also took turns to distribute book marks and postcards to the participants during lunch time. Siew Yong was given an opportunity to do a 12-minute presentation on the SI Convention Kuala Lumpur 2019 on day 2 to an audience of more than 1,200 Soroptimist members from the Federation.

The presentation generated a lot of interest leading to many more participants coming forward to express interest to attend the Convention. Many said they would also help to get some of their club members, who were not there, to attend and that the bookmarks and postcards would be helpful to promote the Convention. Among their many queries were what would the humidity and temperatures be like in Kuala Lumpur during that time? Available accommodation around the Convention Centre? When can they register for the early bird? Availability of pre and post tours?

In general, the promotional effort achieved good marketing results measured by the positive feedback and response.

1 Comment
  • Shoshi Frenkel

    I would like to receive an email address to contact Mrs. Puan Sri Siew Yong Gnanalingam
    Since the address appearing on the website ( is probably wrong.
    Sincerely ,
    Shoshi Frenkel (
    Union President SIE Israel

    April 22, 2018

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