Embrace, Create, Prosper

Soroptimist International South West Pacific (SISWP)                                                
Federation President Anusha Santhirasthipam 2018-2020

Soroptimist International South West Pacific (SISWP) Federation President
Anusha Santhirasthipam shared with Conference of Clubs 2018 attendees
her presentation explaining her theme for the next biennium 2018-2020.

Download the presentation here.


“My Biennium theme Embrace, Create & Prosper speaks to the need for inclusive, sincerity of friendship and mutual respect. It calls upon us to be open-minded and respectful of each others’ place of origin, nationality, ethnicity, religious choices, gender, economic status and social standing. May we always remain a warm receptacle of female energy that attacts, develops, enlightens and inspires action. May we always embody the Soroptimist spirit or “Soro” or sisterhood and “Optima” or be the best best version of ourself. Women at our best helping others to be their best!”

~ President Anusha Santhirasthipam, May 2018 issue of the SISWP Bulletin

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