Every organization has a life cycle.
Things tend to slow, and there is a cry for renewal.

In the case of SIPJ, we were fortunate
Because along came Sharon Saw
Introduced by Kim in 2005.

Oxbridge-educated, Buddhist by choice… at least at that point in time. A voice of calm and face of confidence
We had a Dalai Lama in our midst.
Lucky… lucky us!

Sharon was a breath of fresh air
She represented the changing of the guard in SIPJ
A youthful 30-something compared to the majority who were nudging 40, 50, 60
In her own quiet way, she injected vigor, wisdom a

nd a steely resolve to get things done.

She went through the rite of passage
From ordinary member to executive committee member, and finally President in 2008-2009.
Consultative, engaging and clearly in the driver’s seat
She displayed her flair to connect – old and new, conventional and unconventional, sound and silence.

We will always remember her kicking off the SIPJ’s Bachelor Auction that saw hulks become cattle on stage, for a good cause.
We also rocked with the musical Mama Mia that had the entire club on stage.
Behind the scenes, she led the SHINE reading project at a Cheras welfare home
And held the hands of neglected children with loving care, at outings to shopping malls, parks and a lantern festival.

All too soon her term was over
By now, she was a hardcore Soroptimist.
She became the editor of the SIROM magazine
And SISWP’s global ambassador to New Zealand, an exchange program to entice younger women to join the SI movement.
From what I heard, she visited Soroptimists abroad during her travels, whenever she could.
(We all know Sharon loves to travel… her Facebook posts stand as a vivid witness).

Back in SIPJ, she became our record-keeper
Every bit of news was diligently posted on our website
Something she continued even from her hospital bed.
And in so doing, she has kept the SIPJ name alive & kicking across the SI network

Sharon was ill for some time, but that did not dampen her Soroptimist spirit.
She was a loyalist, a proud member of the Soroptomist movement, who stepped forward to serve, whenever her health permitted.

Alas, she is no more with us. She left behind a loving family, partner and hundreds of grieving friends, including many from SIROM and SISWP..
We miss her badly, and count ourselves lucky to have someone of her stature amongst us – one, who lived by the ideals of Soroptimism in her short, short life.


Written by Premilla Mohanlall, SIPJ club President 2010-2012

Note: this eulogy is based on a citation read out at the inaugural SIPJ service awards ceremony, held in December 2017, months before Sharon passed away. Frail of body but steely in spirit, Sharon walked with assistance to receive SIPJ’s first ever Exemplary Member Service Award.

  • Saradha Narayanan

    Dear beautiful Sharon, we all miss you very much. Your lovely smile, your laughter and jokes and your everlasting patience and dedication. I am truly blessed to have counted you amongst my friends. May you forever rest in eternal peace.

    July 29, 2018
  • Sharmini Suloch

    Lovely Eulogy Prem. Indeed sorely missed but forever in our hearts our dear Sharon.

    July 30, 2018
  • Jennifer Purves Smith

    I’ve only recently discovered the sad news, although, when Sharon’s blog stopped, I feared this might be the reason. Such a good, kind, lovely friend, from our days at Cambridge until our more recent, long-distance contact by E-mail – many happy memories of a unique and special friend.

    October 28, 2018

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