SIPJ: Charity Sale to raise funds for Nepal

On 21 November 2015, SIPJ held a one-day sale in KL to raise funds for Nepal, especially after their devastating earthquake earlier this year. While Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia clubs have already raised funds for SI Kathmandu earlier this year, the SI President’s Appeal (2015-2017) is for Nepal.

SIPJ thanks all those who came and especially a big thank you to Susan Lim and Silvia Arum for helping prepare food for the past few days for this event.


Wendy Goh makes the first donation of the day! Thank you!

with Sally and Adrian

Sally Beh (in red) from SI Bangsar also visited with her son, Adrian! On far left is Susan Lim who helped cook the food we are selling.

Myra and Dev

Thank you Anusha Santhirasthipam’s cousin, Myra, and her lovely husband Dev for coming by and shopping. Dev is Nepali so it was very nice to have them come by. Myra even said she would make momos the next time we do a sale for Nepal!

on offer



Julie Chen, Susan Lim, SISWP IPP and SIPJ sister Puan Sri Siew Yong, Gnanalingam, SIPJ President Sharon Saw, Diana Chee


SIPJ Project SEEED JobsforLife lead and SISWP President-Elect (2016-2017) Dato’ Anusha Santhirasthipam and SIPJ President Sharon Saw

Suat Pheng

SICB Khoo Suat Pheng with her soap purchase

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