Walk The Talk 2015

On 5 December 2015, more than 600 men and women joined the Soroptimist International Region Of Malaysia’s 4th annual ‘Walk The Talk – Stop Violence Against Women’ event held at Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya, in conjunction with the UN 16 days of activism to eliminate gender violence.

The theme for this year’s 3.5km walk was “Men and Women Unite to Stop Violence Against Women” in line with the United Nations’ “UNiTE to End Violence Against Women” and the #orangetheworld global campaign. The colour orange is the official colour of the campaign, symbolising a bright and optimistic future free from violence against women and girls. This was represented by an orange ribbon worn by all Walk The Talk participants on their wrists.

The partners for this year’s walk included Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF). The Walk was also supported by two women NGOs; Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) and All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), and endorsed by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.

Director General of Department of Women Development YBhg Dato’ Munirah Abdullah Bajanuddin gave a speech on behalf of Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development YB Datuk Hajah Azizah Mohd Dun.

She shared statistics from the Royal Malaysian Police on domestic violence and said, “I would like to stress that, as a husband, fiancé or boyfriend, it does not permit you the right to use force to your fellow partner. In reality, real men do not violate women!”

“I am proud to be here, among ladies and gentlemen that do not condone any act of violence against women. I hope today will be a stepping stone and example for all the Malaysian men to join us ladies in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of woman throughout the nation.” She added.

Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia and Walk the Talk Organising Chairperson Anita Pater said, “Each of you can be proud that you are part of the 700 men and women walking with us, representing our partners, NGOs and the general public, united in spirit and commitment, to send a strong message that violence against women, will not be tolerated.

The Walk was then flagged off by Munirah, accompanied by Pater, Polis Diraja Malaysia Superintendent Norkhalid Bin Kimi, UNDP Assistant Resident Representative Mr James George Chacko, MCPF Vice-Chairman Y Bhg Datuk Kamarudin Bin Md Ali, and WAO President Ms Carol Chin.

The enthusiastic crowd of walkers included representatives from Amanita, the Department of Women Development (JPW), members and friends of the various Soroptimist Clubs in the Klang Valley, as well as 100 participants from Westports and another 100 from CIMB Bank. The basketball team KL Dragons also formed part of Westports’ contingent. Red Bull Product of Europe generously sponsored cans of Red Bull energy boosters for the participants.



Dato' Munirah

Director General of Department of Women Development YBhg Dato’ Munirah Abdullah Bajanuddin gave a speech on behalf of Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development YB Datuk Hajah Azizah Mohd Dun.

abhi running rear view Amanita anita flagging off Anita flagging off1 anita giving speech2 anita speech 1 anita speech at redbull car Boards Buntings Carliff and Aishah CIMB walking CIMB CIMB1

Flagging off

flashmob 4

flashmob and audience







josh sean sharon abhi soomi

Min of Women Family and Community Development

Redbull car

Redbull car1


Sharon Mila Carmen

SI Bangsar

SIPJ board sheela n ming



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