In Memoriam: The original Malaysian Soroptimist

marleene1Marleene Mohd Seth will be remembered by Soroptimists all over the world for her bubbly personality, vivacious disposition and commitment to lifelong friendships. The grace and hospitality she showed to Soroptimists from as far away as Mauritius and England, Australia and New Zealand, was the exact same warmth she extended unselfishly to friends and family throughout her life.

Marleene brought Soroptimism to Malaysian society through Colleen Robertson, her then boss’s wife, who was living in Kuala Lumpur. In 1991, Marlene became the founding secretary of the Kuala Lumpur chapter, Malaysia’s very first Soroptimist club. Other Soroptimist clubs were chartered soon after and Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia came into being two years later. Soroptimism in Malaysia has since grown into 14 clubs across the country with 205 members.

Her friends will remember her as a beautiful person inside and out, supportive in every way with a gentle and caring manner. She believed in being authentic with people, saying what needs to be said because it would be good for the friendship. But that, she often said, was easier said than done. She arrived at every occasion equipped with sweet words, spent the time dispensing a little kindness and comfort to all and left without judgement on anyone or anything. Marleene embodied the Soroptimist ideals and lived her life in the pursuit of peace and goodwill.

Always humble and modest, Marleene never acknowledged her pivotal role in the foundation and development of Soroptimism in Malaysia. She shied away from any kind of attention or prominence as that would be true to character. She preferred instead to simply bask in the friendships, join the activities, partake of the feasting and laugh, a lot.

Born on 3 October 1951, Marleene was one of 10 siblings in a large and distinguished Malaysian family. Her father Dato’ Mohd Seth Mohd Said, the Chief Minister of Johor, was a signatory to the agreements that led to Malaysia’s independence in 1957 while he was the State Secretary of Johor.

Marleene passed away on 12 March 2016 from complications after a major stroke. Her beautiful spirit will live on through her children Suraya, Manissa and Rizal Van Geyzel, and a bushy-tailed cat called Ninja. She will forever be loved and remembered for her kindness, warmth, and mischievous wit.


Mary Fernandez
SI Shah Alam

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