The SIROM 10th Biennieal Conference



The graphics for our backdrop and souvenir programme were the result of PRESIDENT JOANNE YEOH’S artistic touch and super efficient efforts. We are all grateful for her strength in leadership, firm decision making, her practicality , efficiency (especially housekeeping matters) , concern and ever support for everything SOROPTIMIST.




              After the few trips to Seremban, to meet the Royale Bintang Resort Spa marketing head, Edward,  the committee members knew their way around with the Post office  and KWSP as landmarks.

The relaxed atmosphere of Seremban town is a far cry from Kuala Lumpur’s hustle and bustle. The valuable influence of Nicole in Seremban played a major part in getting things done . President Vijaya and Sharminie were real gems.





 [singlepic id=318 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=]  LOOK GOOD FEEL GOOD


Alice Sew and the Make up team



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