Press Releases

SI Club of Penang – Flood Relief Fund Appeal

After typhoon-like winds and non-stop rain for nine hours since 2pm on Saturday (4 Nov), Penang was badly hit with widespread floods, landslides and fallen trees in many areas. It was even reported that up to 80% of the State suffered from it. This horrendous disaster...

Walk the Talk – Stop Trafficking Women and Girls

Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia (SIROM) will be organising a Public Forum and Movie screening on Human Trafficking on 25 Nov 2017 in conjunction with the United Nation’s 16 days of activism to eliminate violence against women. ...

Stop Gender Discrimination

Press Statement - 1 May 2017 We urge the Government to enact specific anti-gender discrimination laws which would further promote, protect gender and eradicate gender discrimination. In 1985, all women's organisations got together to submit reforms to all laws and policies in Malaysia that discriminate against women...

Child marriage is a human rights violation

Press Statement - 5 April 2017 Child marriage is a human rights violation. In some countries, there are laws against it and yet the practice remains widespread. There are several reasons for this practice, which includes gender inequality where girls are not valued as much as boys....

SI Ipoh Empowers Jenny Pong

Press Release About Jenny Jenny Pong, a double leg amputee, is a woman of perseverance. Despite life's hardships and multiple challenges, she has a dynamic positiveness in her outlook on life. Lying on her makeshift trolley that helps her move about, she manages work around her house, does marketing...

Community Walk the Talk to Stop Violence Against Women

About 500 men, women and children from companies, Residents Associations and NGOs braved the rain to participate in Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia’s “Walk The Talk to Stop Violence Against Women”, with the theme “Community Against Violence”. The event was flagged off by representatives of the...

SIROM Walk the Talk 2016 Press Release

Communities can play a Meaningful Role as a Key Support Group to Stop Violence Against Women. (for a msword doc version, please click here: press-release) Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia Advisor to the Walk The Talk - Stop Violence Against Women 2016, themed “Community Against Violence” has challenged...