SI Penang

SI Club of Penang – Flood Relief Fund Appeal

After typhoon-like winds and non-stop rain for nine hours since 2pm on Saturday (4 Nov), Penang was badly hit with widespread floods, landslides and fallen trees in many areas. It was even reported that up to 80% of the State suffered from it. This horrendous disaster...

The London2Brighton Challenge – a Soroptimist’s experience

Further to our previous news report by The Star on SIP raising funds re SIP member Sue-Lyn Yeoh's participation at the London2Brighton Challenge, we are very pleased and proud to congratulate Sue-Lyn Yeoh for completing the Challenge and raising funds for educating girls in STEM subjects. This is...

SIP goes the extra mile for a good cause

Soroptimist Penang is in the news for raising funds for education. We wish SIP member Yeoh Sue-Lyn tremendous success at the London 2 Brighton Challenge and congratulate SI Penang for this excellent endeavour to support education for girls. Going extra mile for a good cause The Star,...

SI Penang Uniting to Stop Cyber Violence

Soroptimist International Penang joined Penang Women’s Development Corporation (PWDC) on 25 November 2016 as part of their campaign in Penang with the theme ‘Stop Cyber Violence’, which is in line with the UN 16 Days of Activism. This event was also featured in an article,...

SI Penang’s Fund Raiser in the news

The Star, 19 December 2015 THE Soroptimist International Club of Penang (SIP) raised RM60,000 for its education fund through the Magical Christmas Market event held at the Suffolk House in George Town. Its president Lilian Hopkins said the money would be used for aiding underprivileged young adults,...