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  International Day of the Girl 2018 action toolkit - ENGLISH (1)   We are proud to have Princess Mabel, the founder of Girls Not Brides as one of our Keynote Speakers at the SI International 2019 Conference. A conference not to be missed!    ...

  Every organization has a life cycle. Things tend to slow, and there is a cry for renewal. In the case of SIPJ, we were fortunate Because along came Sharon Saw Introduced by Kim in 2005. Oxbridge-educated, Buddhist by choice… at least at that point in time. A voice of calm...

Soroptimist International South West Pacific (SISWP)                                                 Federation President Anusha Santhirasthipam 2018-2020 Soroptimist International South West Pacific (SISWP) Federation President Anusha Santhirasthipam shared with...