
On 24 July, SIPJ President Sheela Chandran was interviewed on the Malaysian Business Radio station BFM on the topic of "LEADERSHIP - TURNING ADVERSE SITUATIONS OR MOMENTS INTO AN ADVANTAGE" Extracted from BFM's website: Confident strong leaders can turn adversity into advantage. They recognize that someone...

The 21st Soroptimist International Convention in 2019 will be hosted by the Federation of the South West Pacific. SWP Past President Puan Sri Siew Yong Gnanalingam was nominated by SI South West Pacific as the SI International Convention Chair for the SI Convention which will...

Extracted from a blog by Theresa Devasahayam, Dr Saradha Narayanan, Kerry Beer and Linna Khorn “Across the world, women’s identity is bound up with their primary role of caregiver and nurturer in the family. Cultural norms demand that they prioritise this role above all other responsibilities...