President’s Message

Welcome to a new Biennium!

I am deeply humbled and honoured to accept the challenge and privilege of serving as your SIROM President for the next two years.


SIROM was chartered in October 1993 and next year we will be 25 years old! We have come a long way since then and have grown in many ways – we now have 15 clubs in the region. However we still desperately need more young blood with dynamic new ideas and innovative ways of doing things.


SIROM aims to be inclusive of all clubs in the region. We need your support and participation so that we can truly benefit the community we serve.


Many clubs in the region are already doing fantastic projects to educate, enable and empower women and girls. I urge all clubs to reach out to one another, work together and strengthen the bond of friendship in the true spirit of Soroptimism.


We can learn from one another, share experiences and knowledge and together celebrate our achievements. Remember if we work together as a TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More!


In my term, I would like to address the issue of Human Trafficking and the plight of refugee children and stateless minors in this country who are unable to attend schools. Without the protection of the classroom, these children remain acutely vulnerable to child labour, trafficking and early marriage.


I would also like to focus on training and mentoring to help new clubs and members grow. We need to develop and nurture new leaders and promote talent so that we do not get left behind in this fast paced world.


As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, “Be the Change you wish to see in the World”. I believe the first step in creating meaningful change is to acknowledge existing challenges. We need to learn to transform these challenges into stepping stones to greater achievement.



Let us join hands and make that change……..


Yours in Soroptimism,



Dr Saradha Narayanan

SIROM President (2017-2019)